Saturday, May 16

Moy FAV Animal??!!

I read it in a t-shirt liner once "If a black cat is crossing ur way, then it means that that animal is going somewhere". It was pretty impressive to read on to n I shared it with many of my friends n the reaction I got was "Oh! finally u understood girl!"

Well... that was not what I shared it for. I shared it like all the other normal one-liners I share, but then I never meant to say that I was wrong or foolish. Am still the same, I still don't quite mind in taking another route if a black cat happens to cross my way. Am not too sure of what could have happened if I had not bothered to change my way, all that am sure off is that I reached back home safe whenever I changed the route.

When I leave for my exams or stuff n someone sneezes, I don't sit to think how can a poor innocent sneeze spoil my exam for which I burnt the candles nights together. All I do is, rush back home, take out a water bottle from the fridge, have a sip n run back to the bus-stop. Anyways, I always keep an hr in spare with me so a 5 min act wont spoil much but I surely don't want to come back home with tears n then wishing I could turn back the clock n can have that one sip of water.

Someone told me that if u clap seeing a red car, u will get toffees... yeah I know its rubbish but then what if it really works... I mean if I can get toffees for clapping on seeing a red car, y wouldn't I do it? Its certainly not a big deal! My friend once told me that u should not cut ur nails days before exams coz then u wil forget all ur answers... even though I tried hard to rack my brain thinking of a logic behind that, I never could manage to get one but then who cares about the nail-length days before exams... so mayb I can manage that much.

Each morning when I take up the newspaper, I chuck the headline... anybody can update me on that... I shuffle the pages fast to reach the daily forcast colomn... maybe I should not mix up astrology with superstition. I feel its different. Astrology got a more hard-core scientific background n it involves lots of calculations n intense studies... But yeah many be the lucky colour n lucky number stuff can be put in here. So it is essentially that lucky colour given in the newspaper that decides what I'll b wearing to college, but then it relieves me off shuffling the whole ward-robe to decide what to wear... at-least I know the colour.

I know each day doesn't pass like a lucky day n moreover if it did, then its no point calling it lucky, but then maybe some thing bad bad bad could have happened which didnt coz of the colour of the dress am wearing... maybe... u never know... When I drive n come across any mini-temple or gurudwara or church or mosque, I take my hands off the steering wheel to pray; most of the time without bothering to pull up the breaks... n my dad sitting right next to me will be shouting "I wil make u pay for the damage 'with interest' if anything happens to my car!"

I have discussed about my superstitious ideas with a hell lot of people n am ever so proud of it... I always ask 'what is wrong if am superstitious... what if it works... what harm am I doing to anyone..." n the most common line I have heard as a backfire will be "I wonder how u call urself a science student!"

I know maybe my great Physics books doesn't have answers to my questions... maybe I being a physics post graduate student should not have this mentality... but then when I think from the scientific point view, the 'string theory' says that there is interaction energy between two bodies by exchange of small small particles... particles so small that they r being assumed to be massless. Maybe this black cat that crosses the way too exchanges some particles with the humans who come their way n this acts like a negative energy... maybe those particles r different from those coming out from white cats... I don't know... I don't care... This universe is so wide n large n poor earth is like a small little dot as compared to the size of the universe... 'we' r dots in that small dot... n our 'brains' r dots in that small dot which is a small dot in some other dot. All I mean to say is that there is still lots to explore... to know... I wont get back my lost days if they find out about the 'particles' that that black cat emits after 20-30 years....


Sorcerer said...

YOu should read about butterfly effect.

err! Dont know if my sneeze could bring an avalanche on polar explorers.

Inkspire said...

Interesting read Shruti!!!:)

Adisha said...

What I say is it's great that you aren't scared to stand by your beliefs, right or wrong ! Says a lot about a person who doesn't bend to the usual standards of people...

As for superstitions, everyone has their share I guess. Few will even admit to it, but things like going below a ladder or not cutting your hair or nails on particular days are followed by lot of people. And believe it or not, Many superstitions DO have basis in science even. Hell ! Even Magic on stage and otherwise is an art that is precise and earned over time with Lots of practice.

Cheers gurl !! Nice post ...

Karthick said...

Unbelievable!! Do u have any more superstition left,which u dint mention it here??.

It doesn't matter,if u r a physicist,chemist or crazy scientist,superstition is nothing wrong until unless it burdens ur mind. Like some cricketers don't shave in the middle of a test match,though its a superstition it gives them some kinda of comfort which they are used to during matches, wch helps them improve their performance,so their superstition is positive even though it could be baseless to others. So, my point is superstition is absolutely okay as long as it doesn't burden u,like what happens u r half way down the stairs of ur apartment and somebody sneezes right in front of u, and u try to get back home to have water and u slip on the stairs twist some ankle or something and go to exam limping,isnt it stupidity, u asked so many questions wat if it happened??,wat if tht happened??,wat if something like this happened..??.
And an interesting last paragraph, an uncertainty can never be a solution to another uncertainty,u dont know wat particles a cat emits,u dont know hw it interacts,u dont know wat is its effect on u, but still u assume there could be something so unknown to u tat actually does something to u.So applying one uncertainty to solve another uncertainty,will only result in another uncertainty.

Anyway,u think a hell lot like me,particularly the last para,i have similar thoughts almost everyday in my life and I try desperately to control those thoughts by giving myself the above explanation .

Shruti Narayanan said...

@ Sorcerer- Am always under d butterfly effect.. only d cause changes... :)

@ Shwetz - thank u

@ Adisha - well ya anytime.. anything for wat is right in my eyes.. anything! nice comment .. thanks. made me feel gud for writing this..:)

@ Karthick - Am speechless for a change... u said it all.. I have nothing to say! kudos... am certainly impressed to the core..

Thoughts Over Chai said...

All these are old beliefs, but few still follow them. some accept it while some don't. I am glad to see you write about it so proudly with humour that i can only applaud. Who does that today? It needs a lot of courage, girl.

cutestangel said...

These are called old wives tales!!!Even I blogged about a similar topic on my blog .Till date I still have no answers to why there are such ridiculous beliefs!!!This is my post!!

neha said...

u seem to lyk in a blogging spree...

well...what u have accepted is there in some measure, in some each one of us...

Wonderful last para...
Plus the string theory
"I wont get back my lost days when they discover these particles 20-30 yrs later!": Hilarious!

well done gurl!

Sree said...

haha...those were hilarious!! Superstitions and Indians...go hand in hand more than anyone else!! :)
Times have changed...when the cat crosses me, I wonder what would have happened to the cat! ;)

Subha said...

oh shruti not anymore.. hw cum ur too stupid?? sorry to rite this here but truly.. oh god.. anyways wanted to add to ur superstition one more thing "if u chuck the daily newspaper headlines u will have 1 year of bad luck" hope u start reading them nw.. rather this stupid astro talks..

wat more to say.. i laughed a lot while reading this n still wondering is it really u?? i mean u were like this always?? hw cum i never knew..

i knw that u always go for matching ur handkerchiefs wid ur tops n all but this thing i never knew.. hmm still confused..

Shruti Narayanan said...

@ Tasneem - overwhelmed! thanks!!

@ cutestangel - checked urs.. gud one!

@ neha - thanks sweety.. i forgot to mention our "one for sorrow two for joy" ;)

@ sree - hee hee.. gud one!

@ subbu - thanks for ur comment re... am very happy u at-last commented! well mayb wat u call stupid has sum other definition in my life... mayb our thoughts doesnt match but then ur feeling its stupid doesnt really make me feel its stupid.. like here r ppl who feel worshiping stone idols is stupid but ask those who has faith! perception may differ... its from person to person :) i cant say hw u never knew this coz i was always like this only.. but then there is no condition that u should know everything.. mayb juts missed this.. never mind, now u know.

Ramaswamy said...

Nothing wrong with being superstitious a bit. Only problem is one tends to waste a lot their time thinking about these things which eventually don't matter much.
I guess its just the way humans are programmed for life :)

Ham Actor said...

I remember a say from Periyar 'religion goes hand in hand with superstition and fear'. Yes really surprising that people not only believe in but also practice. long way to go..................